Kids are 'Doughing' it for themselves!

When it comes to keeping your children entertained during the school holidays, the unsung heroes at your Vacation Care no doubt have things covered. 
However as we all know, nothing can compare to the excitement a Doughheads doughnut can bring to a child! (Or an adult if we're honest!)

That's why Anna Farthing (Creative Director and Mother of 4) ran a fun and tactile Doughnut Decorating Workshop at a local vacation care these past school holidays.

As part of the workshop, the children decorated two doughnuts by dipping them in their favourite icing, and sprinkling a variety of classic toppings all over for extra yum!

All packaged up in a classic Doughheads box, the children were then given their creations to take home, show their parents and finally devour!
Judging by the sparkle in their eyes, we've no doubt it was a vacation care day to remember!

If you're interested in running the program at your workplace or would like to know more, please email


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