“When Soph approached me about collaborating for the Stars of Newcastle to help her fundraising efforts, I was eager to get involved,” says Ms Farthing, Doughheads’ Creative Director. "Personally, I lost my Dad to cancer just over two years ago and both my grandparents a few years before that; I don't think I actually know many people whose lives haven't been touched in some way by this dreadful disease. We are stoked to be involved and to be able to use Doughheads' influence in the local community to raise awareness and funds for Cancer Council."
The C-Bomb doughnut is Doughheads' way of taking such a sombre topic and making it something that people can talk freely about, perhaps even with a smile. Cancer is not something to take lightly, but there is such a need to lift taboo around the subject as this isolates so many people within the community. "Our aim was to provide a focal point for conversations that may lead to people to being able to share their stories. We've already had so much support for the doughnut through our social media platforms. People are at ease because it's just a doughnut, but then they end up sharing their experiences with us and we can just listen and support them," says Ms Farthing.
So why on earth call it the C-Bomb? Well for one, Ms. Farthing says they wanted to grab peoples' attention. "Whatever name you call it, 'the cancer', 'the Big C' or 'the C-bomb', we are in this to shake up the status quo and make a difference. Because seriously, #fuckcancer!"

This limited edition doughnut is available every day throughout May from the Doughheads' store at The Junction. $1 from each C-Bomb sold will be donated towards Sophie's fundraising efforts for the Cancer Council. In the first week alone they have raised $450!

So get on board and head in to Doughheads this month to try out the limited edition C-Bomb doughnut and let's work together to kick cancer in the butt!