Specials of the week - 26th April - 2nd May 2021

Anzac Bikkie –  bar doughnut filled with house made honeycomb custard, golden syrup icing, vanilla buttercream and pieces of Anzac biscuit
(LG) Lamington –  chocolate icing smothered with coconut and topped with dollops of mouth watering raspberry buttercream
(Vg) Lemon Meringue Pie –  filled with vegan lemon curd and topped with torched meringue
Available from Monday 26th to Sunday 2nd of May.
Or pre-order online HERE for delivery or pick up (add Special of the Week / LG Special of the Week / Vegan Special of the Week to your doughnut pack)⁠
* Please note: LG and Vg are now on our separate LG and Vegan doughs.
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